An Automated Financial Coaching Business in a Box
An unrivaled collection of the industry tools you need to be successful
Secure Document Sharing
Effortlessly share sensitive documents between you and your clients through the secure portal.
One-Click Credit Report Connection
Connect client credit reports with a single click through IdentityIQ®.
Automated Buttons
Turn your tasks into a single button click. Choose from a pre-built set of tasks or create your own.
Dispute Reviews
Generate unique dispute letters and send them directly.
Secure Document Sharing
Help secure your business and your clients’ information. Safely exchange sensitive documents between you, your clients, and your partners. Easily share IDs, credit reports, financial statements, and other important records without fear of data leaks or security issues.

One-Click Credit Report Connection
Securely import credit reports through a single click. This feature helps you automatically import items from your client’s credit report without inputting their private credentials, saving you time, reducing data entry efforts, and providing a full picture of your client’s credit profile.
Generate Distinct Dispute Letters
Automatically generate unique dispute letters individually or in bulk and send them directly through Disco. Each dispute letter is made unique to prevent duplicate letters from being sent to credit bureaus. You can print and mail these letters or fax them directly through Disco to save significantly on costs and confirm the letter is received.
Live Support
Client tools